Beulah Grants
Help Senior Citizens
A Primary Conference Mission
The Beulah Home, nestled in the Oakland hills, was established in 1912 by the Women’s Home Missionary Society (the forerunner of United Women in Faith) of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Its purpose was to provide housing for retired missionaries, deaconesses, and ministers.
In 1988, the Beulah Home Board concluded that due to shifts in society and the economy, maintaining the Home as a residential facility was no longer viable. Consequently, the proceeds from the Home's sale were transferred to United Women in Faith (previously known as United Methodist Women) under the condition of establishing a permanent fund.
The founding ethos of Beulah Home emphasized the importance of identifying and fostering support systems that improve the well-being of older adults. Income generated from this fund is allocated towards initiatives that address the needs and uphold the dignity of senior adults within the California-Nevada Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church.
Administered by the Beulah Older Adult Committee of the California-Nevada United Women in Faith, the grant fund serves as a resource for programs dedicated to enhancing the lives of senior adults.
Programs that receive support encompass, but are not restricted to, the following:
Spiritual Care
Senior Gardening
Health MInistry
Parish Nurse
Senior Ministry
Alzheimer Day Care
Senior Service Center
Hearing Enhancement
Outreach Case Management
Transportation Assistance